Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Customer Service Solution (CSS)

Customer Service solution is also known as customer service outsourcing. Why call it customer service solution? We simply believe that we are offering a wholesome solution to our customer by basically helping you attend to all inbound calls on behalf, just like having your own customer service team in your office. The difference is, instead of you manage them, we managed it for you.

Many small and medium businesses today take advantage of this solution to help them save operation costs.  Let's take a look at some of the advantages!
  • Fix monthly operation cost
  • No stationary cost
  • No need to pay for EPF and SOCSO for the staff
  • No Retraining of staff or High turnover issue
We've got you covered!

At Cfoni we understand the importance of every call to our customers ; therefore, we will  ensure all  incoming calls  are well taken care of.  These are the  core values which we practice and  we believe it will help you and your business grow :
  • We listen and understand what the customer need
  • We answer their request and follow up with calls
  • We remember their name when they call again
  • We ensure all the staffs are well trained with product information before start picking up calls
  • We have a system to monitor all our staff service level quality by using our call centre solution
  • We will send a monthly report to our customer to keep them informed of how many calls a day, how long each call takes and so on.
Customer service solution will help our customer to focus on the area that they need to improve on, and ultimately increase their sales.    

So hurry, contact us to find out more. or 03 2770 2510.